Cheats Dead to Rights

 Dead to Rights  
Cheats Dead to Rights (ps2)

Disarm Moves
Below is a list of ALL the disarm moves in the game.

Pistol Disarms

One-two Crunch:
Press Circle.

No Brainer:
Press Left Analog-stick Up + Circle.

One For The Road:
Press Left Analog-stick Right + Circle.

Hard Boiled:
Press Left Analog-stick Down + Circle.

Bullet In The Head:
Press Left Analog-stick Left + Circle.

Rifle Disarms

Moving Violation:
Press Circle.

And F'n Stay Down:
Press Left Analog-stick Up + Circle.

Twist And Shoot:
Press Left Analog-stick Right + Circle.

Sunny Side Up:
Press Left Analog-stick Down + Circle.

Rolling Thunder:
Left Analog-stick Left + Circle.

Shotgun Disarms

Beeyatch Kicks:
Press Circle.

Press Left Analog-stick Up + Circle.

Make A Wish:
Press Left Analog-stick Right + Circle.

Keep Your Chin Up:
Press Left Analog-stick Down + Circle.

A Perfect Ten:
Press Left Analog-stick Left + Circle.

Unlockable Modes

At the 'Main' menu select the 'New Game' option and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and enter the following codes to enable the corresponding mode. If you enter the code in correctly a message will appear on the screen as confirmation.

Unlock Lazy Ass Mode:
Press Down, Left, Down, Triangle, Down. This mode will also unlock ALL levels, Mini-games and FMV sequences.

Unlock 10,000 Bullets Mode:
Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Circle (unlimited ammunition).

Time To Pay Mode:
Press Square(2), Circle(2), Right (unlocks ALL disarms).

Unlock Precursor Mode:
Press Up(2), Down(2), Up. (turns off ALL targeting cursors).

Unlock Wussy Mode:
Press Square, Left, Triangle, Up, Down (enemies are less accurate).

Unlock Hard Boiled Mode:
Press Triangle, Square, Left(2), Circle (increases challenge level).

Unlock Boomstick Mode:
Press Right, Circle(3), Square (unlimited shotguns).

Chow Yun Jack Mode:
Press Triangle, Circle, Up(3) (double guns).

One Hit Wonder Mode:
Press Triangle, Circle(3), Left.

Unlock Sharpshooter Mode:
Press Square(3), Down, Right.
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